Wesley Clements


During high school, I decided on a path that led me to UMO in the fall of 2022 to study mechanical engineering, and I wanted to continue developing my interest and skills in operating drones and editing video. I took four college courses in Unmanned Aircraft Systems, built a drone, and earned my remote pilot license during high school. In May of 2022, I turned my drone skills and lifelong passion for creating edits and YouTube videos into Falco Focus Maine Media.

Lead Creative Strategist

Andrew Clements

I have been working at Falco Focus for 3 years. I have helped build Falco Focus into what it is today. Before my time working here, I was into creating short films. I was always the videographer, editor, and sound designer. Before my time creating short films I ran a small YouTube channel where I got to use my creativity. My whole life I have been interested in creating whether it's for my own purposes or for a big purpose like I get to do now.

Director of Social Media

AJ Wolverton

After Graduating From Brunswick High School in 2023, I decided to pursue a Major in Financial Economics with a Minor in Business Administration from Umaine. Some of my hobbies include playing hockey, skiing, and fly fishing. As a child, I could always be found in one of three spots- The classroom, a sports facility, or the woods. Looking back at these wildly different settings, I see the one thing they had in common. They brought out the most significant attribute that makes me who I am… Competitiveness. Competing with others is fun, but competing with myself to always be better than I was the day before became addicting. Now, in the World of Media, the freedom to create unique content enables me to push boundaries to deliver the best content we have to offer.

Cooper Dunn

I am a junior in exercise science at the University of Southern Maine in Portland, ME, with a background in photography, videography, and media creation. Cooper has developed a strong expertise in photography. Over the years, I have done freelance photography and videography for myself and others, but recently I have come aboard and done projects for Falco Focus. Cooper is passionate about media creation and production, delivering the highest quality projects, and continually seeks to grow both personally and professionally.

Creative Strategist